It was quite warm this morning (8 degrees) and we took off for a visit to Wisbech a lovely market town about 30 miles away.It was once only 4 miles from the sea, but land reclamation means it is now 11 miles, but the River Nene still accomodates ships up to 2000 tons. In the town, there is a row of beautiful Georgian houses on each side of the river.One of thembeing the birthplace of Octavia Hill founder of the National Trust. Wisbech has a fine museum which contains (amongst other things) the manuscript of Charles Dickens Great Expectations donated by his lifelong friend Chauncey Townsend, a resident. The market square had the usual stalls with meat/fish/vegetables and fruit plus the bric a bac stuff. Carol was in her element!
It was first mentioned in the charter of the Saxon King Wulphere in the year 664, when it was called Visebec. The first Wisbech Castle was erected by William I in 1086. King John slept there when he visited Wisbech, and who's treasure is still being searched for - lost in The Wash in 1216.
Next stop was Swaffham, another market town of much charm. As it raining we avoided the market (poor Carol) and opted for a Pub Lunch at the Norfolk Hero. We ordered Ploughmans which duly arrived with great cheese and salad. The Publican's wife chatted to us and we found out that her daughter was backpacking thru Oz and was currently in Cairns. Photo at top ( for some reason I am not able to get photos included with text!!)
Starting of homewards we came across a National Trust site Oxburgh Hall. As with most NT Places the house was not open for visitors during Dec/Jan, but the gardens were there to be seen and the NT shop which is a paradise for Christmas presents. The rain stopped and managed to get a couple of photos , one of the glorious colours of the trees which are still shedding their leaves - very late this year as it has ben so warm!
Carol has become a very competent navigator and loves using the back roads as an alternative to major ones - and so we successfully drove home with hardly a missed turn!
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