Today we are off to the Isle of Iona. It was a 30 mile drive toFionnphort from where we took yet another ferry ride to cross the Sound of Iona and arrive at this historic island.At one time there was a considerable population living on the island but failing potato crops and a lack of demand for harvested seaweed caused a migration to Mull and the Mainland.
This is the birthplace of Christianity in Scotland. St Columbus built a basic Abbey(pictured bottom right) in the 600's and it was replaced by a more substantial structure in later years. As usual the Vikings had a few unwelcome visits, but the Abbey survived until the Reformation when Cromwell's lot knocked it about. In 1899 the Duke of Argyll gifted the abbey to the island but forgot to make any grant or contribution to it's upkeep, and it was some years before funds could be raised to start the restoration. This has been partially completed and the site contains many valuable relics in particular many stone crosses dating back to the 10th century. There are many traditional charming stone cottages such as the one pictured bottom left.
We had lunch in the Argyll Hotel - a superb meal not over the top price wise. Then a walk up the hill to catch the magical views over the surrounding water, and back to the ferry. Driving home we searched out the Mausoleum of Governor Macquarie who was born on Mull. The building is maintained by the National Trust Australia and records his life, in particular his Governership of OZ. Picture top right.
The next day started off with Carol discovering that the frame of her glasses had broken. Panic! She suggested superglue which yours truly said would not work, so it was decided to take the ferry across to Oban on the mainland and find an Optician to get them fixed. Well that was the plan, but none of the opticians had on site repair facitilies so we bought the bloody superglue and it worked.Good one Len.
Oban is a 45 minute ferry ride and takes you past Duart Castle which is even more impressive from the water. Carol waved to her mate the Maclean boss! Oban (pictured top left) is a fair sized town and set around the harbour with lots of fish eating places. We had prawn sandwiches (delicious) and and ice cream after touring around the town. We also visited the library and used their internet service free of charge.
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