Boxing Day was very foggy and so the train trip up to Oslo from Fredrikstad offered very little scenery. We had some time to wait for the train up to Gol, so we walked up through the main street of Oslo and saw the skating rink in the park and generally orientated ourselves from our previous visit there in May.
The train from Oslo was terrific - very quiet and superbly comfortable. The scenery is so wonderful that any thoughts of reading a book during the 3 1/2 hour trip were quickly abandoned. On arrival at Gol, Baard was there and told us that the Station waiting room had coffee and biscuits which in fact turned out to be Gluhwein and chocolates - very acceptable. A twenty minute drive brought us to the Cabin amidst the snow and Freydis and Rolf were there to welcome us once again.
It is hard to describe the beauty of the landscape up here in the mountains and the serenity of snow covered land. The Cabin was wonderful - spacious,warm and demanding relaxation.
Next morning after bacon and eggs (!) we all went for a hike in the surrounding country. Ice and snow abounded and one had to be careful where the feet were being placed. OOps! Yours truly fell flat on his back when his feet simply refused to grip. Sarah and Carol immediately thought "Oh My God - HIS BACK!! How do we get an ambulance up here. No problems - picked meself up and plodded on!
We reached the turning point of our walk at a superb Cabin situated on a crest with views of the surrounding countryside which was quite breathtaking.Picture at top.
Thursday dawned at Minus 10 degrees! After another sumptious breakfast Rolph said we would go for a drive around the countryside. We drove along snow and ice covered roads with banks of snow on either side, through the most beautiful country finally coming to a ski resort where it was obvious that Rolph and Baard regretted not bring their skis! We saw people skiing with their dogs pulling them along, and one delightful black poodle who was a "seeing eye dog" - so much for Ben's Pete!!
On the way back to the cabin we stopped at a traditional Norwegian "cafe" where we were introduced to Roemmegrot a sort of porridge on which one sprinkles sugar and nutmeg - delicious but very rich. A last stop at a Chalet not far from the Cabin revealed some incredible Chainsaw carvings - and so to home.
Up early for Baard to drive us down to Gol to catch the train to Oslo, and a visit to an ancient Norwegian Church on the way.A fascinating building ,which was not open unfortunately, but very much reminded Carol and me of a similar preserved building in Olso - ornate/wooden/and windowless!
Sarah came on the train with us and we had another wonderful trip through fascinating country. Took a taxi from the station to our Hotel which was another of Carol.'s booking successes.Plenty of room for the three of us and nicely situated for walking through the Oslo central city. We had dinner quite early (after all it was dark at 4 pm) great hamburgers and an overpriced carafe of house wine - but just what was needed to round off the day.
Sarah went off on the airport bus in the morning to return to Sandnes, while Carol and I went down to the City and got a lense put back into my glasses.It was cold and raining and there seemed little point in hanging about in the City so we went back to the hotel, had a coffee,checked out and caught the airport bus to Oslo airport.Our flight (which was due to leave at 8.30pm) was the last scheduled flight at the airport, so we found the very substantial building almost empty. The flight was then delayed until 9.50 (due to big storms at Heathrow having delayed the inward flight)- so we had a considerable wait. But we bought a bottle of wine in the duty free, sat down in a closed restaurant,Len pinched a couple of wine glasses from the bar area, and we relaxed!No one said a word.
Arriving at Heathrow, we waited half an hour for the bags to appear on the roundabout and then caught a taxi for St Giles Hotel. Horror Horror. After a while I realised that the taxi meter was getting beyond what was expected. I asked the driver if he was taking us to the St Giles Hotel at Feltham - NO WAY - he was off to the St Giles Hotel in Piccadily in London!! The meter showed L32 at this stage and the driver told us that we were facing a further L30 to go back to Feltham. I was not impressed, but Carol restrained me from telling him to f... off for his fare, and he dropped us at Kew Gardens Railway Station which fortunately happened to be on the line to Feltham. We waited (with some trepidation) on a cold empty platform for what was the last train of the night which thankfully appeared on time (12.20) and we duly arrived at Feltham without having paid any fares. Bed was never so inviting!!
A wonderful week made perfect by the hospitality of Freydis and Rolph - and just so great to meet Baard's family and enjoy their company.
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